
Suite 13, T8Tonsley
6 MAB Eastern Promenade
Tonsley SA 5042

+61 406 512 239


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Company Overview

EngAnalysis provides Australian industry access to cutting-edge test, measurement, analysis and engineering for quantification of loads, operating conditions, operational risk and survivability.

Our aim is to enable our clients to make informed decisions based on measured data and analysis that defines their uncertainties to reduce risk. This service allows our partners and customers to address critical issues about the design, performance, structural capacity and operation of major engineering assets that are essential to providing their service.

In doing this we use tools and techniques including field testing with world class equipment, advanced data analysis techniques, bespoke software development, data science, statistics, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and other applied sciences.

Products and Services

  • Test, Measurement and Analysis – Sensor instrumentation, data acquisition systems, data analysis and reporting and engineering assessments.
  • Specialist Engineering – mechanical design, FEA, CFD, bespoke electronics and sensor design, analysis software development.
  • Structural Health Monitoring – design, deployment and operation of structural monitoring systems for infrastructure, machinery, vehicles and structures.

Major Projects


  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Scientific Research Services

Other Capabilities

Engineering consulting

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