Resonate Consultants Pty Ltd

Level 4, 23 Peel St
Peel Chambers
Adelaide SA 5000

08 8155 5888


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Company Overview

Resonate Consultants is a multi award winning specialist acoustic engineering and vibration consulting business with offices in Sydney (Cammeraygal Country), Adelaide (Kaurna Country) and Melbourne (Wurundjeri Country).

Our sought after experience extends across the diverse sectors of acoustics, vibration, structural dynamics and electromagnetic fields. You can find us working with marine, defence, construction, medical, government, mining and energy industries who trust us to deliver effective solutions with less fuss, time and time again.

Established long term partner relationships, including the active support of industry and relevant professional groups, ensures our impressive collaborative culture. A culture, founded on experience and research, that thrives on providing innovative and practical advice to our acoustic engineering clients.

Products and Services

Our consulting services include acoustics, vibration, structural dynamics and electromagnetic fields.
Our expert services relevant to defence industry are summarised :

  • Design & commissioning of Audio Security Level (ASL) rated spaces
  • Recertification of ASL spaces
  • Environmental noise assessments, including compliance monitoring and advisory
  • Community consultation and noise surveys
  • Occupational health & safety survey/auditing (WHS)
  • Aircraft noise assessments
  • Acoustic design and commissioning of buildings
  • Remedial and upgrade advice for audio secured (ASL) spaces
  • Vibro-acoustic investigations

Other Projects

Resonate has over 12 years of experience in Defence projects, including the following:

  • Air 6500 (Project Rainbow)
  • Future Submarine Program (FSP)
  • Project Phoenix – Facilities to Support JP9101 Phase 1 Enhanced Defence High Frequency Communications System
  • AIR2025 PHASE 6 Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN)
  • ETL8113PH1 – Facilities to Support Long Range Fires
  • ESTL0400PH2-3 – Land 400 Building RAAF EDN
  • Future Submarines Program (AUKUS)
  • AIR7000


Quality ISO 9001:2015
Australian Acoustical Society (Individual staff membership)
Association of Australasian Acoustical Consultants (AAAC) – Company membership


  • Architectural Engineering and Technical Services
  • Construction
  • Construction Services
  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Scientific Research Services

Other Capabilities

Acoustic design services
Audio Security Level (ASL) spaces design services
Audio security recertification services
Underwater acoustics
Work Health & Safety Survey (WHS)
Noise and vibration control and investigation
Structural dynamics
Noise, vibration & EMF sensitive facility design

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