Paying tribute to departing Defence SA Chair Sir Angus Houston

Peter Malinauskas MP

Susan Close MP
Deputy Premier
Minister for Defence and Space Industries


After decade of impeccable service and leadership, Defence SA Advisory Board Chair, Air Chief Marshall Sir Angus Houston AK AFC (Ret’d), has stepped down from his position.

Vice Admiral Russell Crane AO CSM RAN (Ret’d) will takeover as Acting Chair of the Defence SA Advisory Board until a permanent replacement is appointed. Vice Admiral Crane is a retired senior officer of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), who served as the Chief of Navy from July 2008 until his retirement in June 2011.

One of our nations most respected military leaders, Sir Angus has been selected by the Albanese Government to lead a strategic review of Australia’s defence capability.

After joining the Defence SA Advisory Board in 2012, he became Chair in 2014 where he played a pivotal role in driving South Australia’s defence industry.

Sir Angus’ advocacy for developing our sovereign industrial capability has helped the local industry to develop a highly-skilled workforce and access international markets.

During his tenure, Sir Angus has been instrumental in securing major Defence projects including the Hobart class Air Warfare Destroyers, Hunter class Frigates, Arafura class Offshore Patrol Vessels, Collins class sustainment program and the more recent Aukus arrangements.

He has overseen the development of defence infrastructure including at Osborne Naval Shipyard, Line Zero Factory of the Future, Technology Park Adelaide, Lot Fourteen, Cultana Training Area, the Edinburgh Defence Precinct and Woomera Prohibited Area.

Sir Angus announced his resignation after he was asked co-lead for the Albanese Government’s Defence Strategic Review. Long-serving Defence SA Board member, retired Vice Admiral Russell Crane AO CSM RAN, has been appointed as the council’s acting chair.


Quotes attributable to Peter Malinauskas

 I’d like to wish Sir Angus all the best as he takes on the incredibly important role of leading the Defence Strategic Review.

 At a time of such critical importance to our nation, there is nobody better qualified to review and reposition the ADF to meet the nation’s future security challenges.

 On behalf of all South Australians, I thank Sir Angus for his leadership and work which has helped to make our state a leader in defence and defence manufacturing.


Quotes attributable to Susan Close

I thank Sir Angus Houston for his service to the Defence SA Advisory Board over the past decade.

Having overseen the significant growth of the state’s defence sector, he leaves us in a very strong position to continue to grow our manufacturing base and capability.


Quotes attributable to Defence SA Chief Executive, Richard Price

Sir Angus’ leadership and commitment to South Australia has been invaluable and he has left an indelible impression on the agency and the sector within the state.

South Australian industry and workers will continue to reap the benefits of the decisions made under his guidance for generations to come.


Statement from Air Chief Marshall Sir Angus Houston AK AFC (Ret’d)

After 10 years, I am proud of the contribution I have been able to make in promoting the growth of Defence and defence industries in South Australia,

It has been at honour to work with my fellow board members, local industry and the South Australian Government in advancing South Australia’s defence interests I and wish them every success as they continue on this path.

Friday, 12 August 2022

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Published On: August 12th, 2022
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