Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services

Microfactories Australia

MICROFACTORIES AUSTRALIA delivers small floorplate, multi-use, manufacturing bases for SMEs engaged in the SPACE, DEFENCE, HEALTHCARE, RESOURCES, WASTE MANAGEMENT & CLEAN ENERGY sectors.

Microfactories Australia2022-07-01T07:04:32+09:30

4th Harmonic

Our goal is to help build major industrial and innovation capabilities within unique, large, complex, and dynamic programs. These programs require the selection and integration of various organisations to be successful.

4th Harmonic2022-05-02T11:49:44+09:30

Marshall Day Acoustics Pty Ltd

Sound is a key part of our environment, providing information about our surroundings and influencing our perception of amenity and environmental quality. It can therefore be an important consideration in the planning, design and management of the modern environment.

Marshall Day Acoustics Pty Ltd2022-03-08T01:34:00+10:30

IQMS Australasia Pty Ltd

IQMS Australasia Pty Ltd is a compliance and business management systems service provider that has provided systems consultancy and design for over 20 years.

IQMS Australasia Pty Ltd2021-05-19T08:21:26+09:30


We are Australia’s sovereign design partner for amphibious, joint support and specialist ships. BMT is a leading design, engineering, science, program and risk management consultancy with a reputation for engineering and delivery excellence. We are driven by a belief that things can always be better, safer, faster and more efficient.


PRP Manufacturing

PRP Manufacturing was established in 1991 and is an engineering company focused on solutions from rubber, sponge, foam, plastic, composites and other specialised materials. Our capability includes a full manufacturing and CNC computer cutting facility, featuring waterjet, routing (5-axis), knife, laser, die press technology, and assembly.

PRP Manufacturing2021-02-05T04:32:19+10:30

Dynamic Jet Engineering Australia Pty Ltd

Dynamic Jet Engineering Australia Pty. Ltd. was established in 2020 as an impact company with a mission to leverage cutting edge technologies, cyber defence capabilities and engineering expertise to deliver projects that make the world a better place.

Dynamic Jet Engineering Australia Pty Ltd2021-02-05T03:09:40+10:30

Cornell Design

Cornell Design was established in 2010 and works across most industry sectors in Australia including defence.

Cornell Design2020-12-03T08:27:13+10:30

GPA Engineering

GPA is a national professional engineering design and advisory consultancy, assisting clients in the defence, resources, and energy sectors for over 35 years with expertise extending to facilitate the transition to sustainable, decarbonised energy solutions.

GPA Engineering2020-12-03T08:27:13+10:30

Arrow Electronics Australia Pty Ltd

Arrow Electronics Australia Pty Ltd is an Australian Electronic Distribution Company with 5 Branches employing 85+ of the top Electronic Component Engineers and Distribution logistics staff throughout Australia, New Zealand, servicing the Aerospace, Defence, Maritime & Space Clients, Prime Contractors / SMEs, and Design Engineers globally with access to leading-edge electronic components.

Arrow Electronics Australia Pty Ltd2020-12-03T08:27:13+10:30

Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond Pty Ltd

TBH is one of the largest firms in Australia specialising in the provision of specialised project management and consulting services.

Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond Pty Ltd2020-12-03T08:26:22+10:30


AeroPM is an award winning Australian-owned defence industry professional services consultancy providing above-the-line professional consulting services to government and defence acquisition projects and sustainment activities through the Defence Support Services (DSS) Panel and Major Service Providers (MSPs).

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