ALARP Solutions Pty Ltd

50 Mawson Lakes Boulevard
Mawson Lakes SA 5095



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Company Overview

ALARP Solutions is a management consultancy that specialises in providing governance, risk management and systems safety solutions. ALARP Solutions is committed to supporting private and government organisations seeking to implement credible and robust risk and safety management frameworks, policies and practices that improve business outcomes, whilst also complying with legislation and adopted standards.

We have grown from providing systems safety solutions to a broader whole-of-enterprise approach to risk management. This growth is based on our experience that safety management is unlikely to be appropriate or effective until it is properly considered and supported in a whole of enterprise governance and risk management context.

Products and Services

Systems and Safety Engineering:
– System Safety Program Management
– Safety Case Development
– Hazard Identification and Analysis
– Independent Safety Audits and Assessments
– Software Safety

Governance Risk Assurance and Measurement:
– Development and Optimisation of GRAM Frameworks
– Supply Chain Risk Management
– Risk Assessment
– Loss Exceedance and Monte Carlo Simulation

Business Advisory:
– Training and Facilitation
– Business Strategy
– Business Development


  • Defence
  • Management and Related Consulting Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Public Administration and Defence
  • Regulatory Services
  • Scientific Research Services
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