De Stefano & Co

2A McLaren Parade
Port Adelaide SA 5015

1300 438 347


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Company Overview

De Stefano & Co is a defence-focused management and security consultancy that assists organisations to navigate the complex Australian defence industry environment, and other highly regulated sectors.

100% Australian owned and operated, De Stefano & Co has unrivalled experience, knowledge and networks, and are specialists in strategy, security and grants.

In terms of strategy, De Stefano & Co can provide assessments that help to validate the defence sector opportunity quickly and cost-effectively (before a company commits to entering the sector), or develop long-term strategies designed to accelerate a company’s defence sector journey. De Stefano & Co can also help companies develop new cyber security strategies, or conduct reviews of current cyber security strategies, ensuring that they are relevant, fit-for-purpose, and offer appropriate and affordable controls and protection for the company, its customers and its employers.

As winner of the “Cyber Security Consulting Business of the Year – SME” award at the 2024 Australian Cyber Security Awards, De Stefano & Co are leaders when it comes to security, offering a range of specialised protective security services. These services are designed to help companies not only meet the requirements of working with Defence, but protect themselves from external threats.

Security services include DISP Membership Attainment, as well as De Stefano & Co’s unique DISP compliance services – Ongoing Compliance Assurance (OCA™) and Security Officer Support as a Service (SOSaaS™) – designed to lift the burden of maintaining compliance with the ongoing requirements of the DISP program. Other services include cyber security consulting and maturity uplift for CMMC, Essential Eight, ISO27001, ISM/IRAP and NIST 800-171.

When it comes to grants, the team at De Stefano & Co have decades of experience and a strong track record of crafting highly professional grant applications, working closely with clients to pull together everything needed for a standout application, thereby increasing the likelihood of success.

Products and Services

De Stefano & Co supports organisations via the following services:


  • Defence Industry Market Entry (DIME®) Program
  • Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity
  • Cyber Security Strategy Review & Uplift
  • Australian Industry Capability (AIC) Strategy & Planning


  • Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) Membership Attainment
  • DISP Ongoing Compliance Assurance (OCA™)
  • Security Officer Support as a Service (SOSaaS™)
  • Cyber Security Services:
    • Essential Eight
    • ISO27001
    • ISM/IRAP
    • CMMC
    • NIST 800-171
  • Security Education and Training
  • Physical Security Uplift
  • Personnel Security


  • Defence Industry Development Grants (DIDG) for:
    • Skilling
    • Sovereign Industrial Priorities
    • Exports
    • Security
  • Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)



  • Winner of “Cyber Security Consulting Business of the Year – SME” at the 2024 Australian Cyber Security Awards
  • Finalist in the “Consultancy of the Year” category at the 2023 and 2024 Australian Defence Industry Awards


  • Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) Member
  • Partner of the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
  • Member of the Australian Industry & Defence Network (AIDN)
  • Member of the Defence Teaming Centre (DTC)
  • Member of the Henderson Alliance
  • Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia (AmCham Australia)


A multi-disciplinary team of defence industry professionals who hold professional accreditations which include:

  • Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)
  • Certified Practising Marketer (CPM)
  • Member of the Australian Information Security Association (AISA)



  • Management and Related Consulting Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
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