
Level 10, 111 Gawler Place
Adelaide SA 5000

+61 437 809 261


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Company Overview

We are a nimble technology incubator that generates ideas, builds development partnerships and commercialises breakthrough clean energy and nuclear medicine technologies. Our business will have positive lasting environmental, social and financial impacts on global industry.

In a Defence domain, entX focuses on solving the energy requirements that limit the capability of existing technologies. Working with Defence clients, entX is driving future operability and availability of equipment deployed to remote and harsh environments. As a sovereign capability, entX solutions are developed hand in glove with clients to ensure energy optimisation and usability is maximised for the very technologies that are relied upon to address threats from our adversaries.

Products and Services

The GenX Betavoltaic Battery uses a combination of novel semiconductor assembly and an internalized radioactive layer of beta-isotope to generate electrons. Coupled to an electrode system, the GenX provides long term power for decades, depending on the selected isotope. The GenX, in a defence application, will trickle charge lithium batteries without the need to start a generator, often giving away a covert position. The GenX will also provide primary or tertiary power for unmanned equipment operated remotely for extended periods in land, air and sea domains.

The Radioisotope Heating Unit (RHU) program. entX has developed a groundbreaking platform approach to lunar night survival. Unlike traditional RHUs, entX’s technology leverages its nuclear engineering skillsets with its existing relationships with global neutron irradiation services to develop and access commercially viable radioisotopes with improved safety profiles.

Major Projects

  • Other

Other Projects

Classified technology development with DST and related entities.


Defence Industry Security Program – Level 2
NV1 Cleared Personnel


  • Electrical Equipment Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional and Scientific Equipment Manufacturing
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