MicroSafe Care Australia Pty Ltd

Unit 7, 19 Alfred Avenue
Beverley SA 5009

+61 8 7082 3028


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Company Overview

MicroSafe® Care Australia Pty. Ltd. is a subsidiary of the global Microsafe® Group. Founded in 2005, the MicroSafe® Group works tirelessly at the forefront of biomedical science to reimagine the way the world fights infections and the spread of pathogens.

The group supplies disinfection, dermatology and wound care products to hospitals, health care providers, government facilities, and many other industries in over 25 countries.

Our journey in Australia started in 2017, when we entered the market with Nanocyn, the first and only TGA-registered product of its kind in the Australian market.

Products and Services

Groundbreaking infection control solutions like Nanocyn:

Nanocyn® is entered into the TGA ARTG as a registered, hospital-grade disinfectant, approved to kill bacteria and viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Norovirus (Gastro), Influenza, Fungi and Mould by up to 99.9999% (6-log reduction) in just 30 seconds.

Major Projects

  • Other


– TGA Registration
– GECA Certification
– Various Aviation approvals


  • Administrative and Support Services
  • Basic Chemical and Chemical Product Manufacturing
  • Building and Industrial Cleaning Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Other Manufacturing
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Scientific Research Services

Other Capabilities

Pharmaceutical manufacturing and supply.

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