Rheinmetall Defence Australia

2-6 Ardtornish Street
Holden Hill SA 5088

+61 7 3436 2700


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Company Overview

Rheinmetall Defence Australia Pty Ltd (RDA) is a subsidiary of Rheinmetall Group, a mobility and security technology group headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. We are a trusted partner to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and New Zealand Defence Force and we specialise in Vehicle Systems, Electronic Solutions, Weapons, Ammunition and Protection.

Our ties to the Australian Government date back to more than 40 years ago through the provision of munitions. Today, we are proud to be the largest supplier of military vehicles to the Australian Defence Force.

We are growing our Australian footprint to deliver system solutions and capability in the areas of mobility, lethality, reconnaissance, protection and sustainment during this important time in the life of the nation’s defence industry.

Products and Services

Software Engineering Services
System Architecture
System Administration
Development, Security Operations (DevSecOps)
Blended Learning Development
Computer Based Training development
Graphics & 3D imagery


ISO 9001:2015


  • Adult Community and Other Education
  • Architectural Engineering and Technical Services
  • Defence
  • Education and Training
  • Manufacturing
  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Public Administration and Defence
  • Transport Equipment Manufacturing

Other Capabilities

System Architecture
System Administration
Training Management System Design and Development
Blended learning solutions

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