Spry Squared Pty Ltd

121 King William St
Adelaide SA 5000



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Company Overview

Spry Squared is a Technology Solutions Integrator headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia and provides organisations with Best-In-Class Managed IT Services, Cybersecurity Services/Solutions, Vulnerability Management, IT Professional Services, Compliance Services, Recruiting Services, Project/Program Mangement and technology products.

We are your strategic partner and value-added reseller, solving complex business challenges by leveraging technology solutions that reduce cost, optimise productivity and minimise risk.

Products and Services

Spry Squared is a Technology Solutions Integrator headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia and provides organisations with:

  • Managed IT Services
  • Cybersecurity Services, Consulting and Solutions
  • Cyber Awareness
  • Cyber Readiness
  • Vulnerability Management
  • IT Professional Services
  • Recruiting Services
  • Compliance Services
  • Project/Program Mangement
  • Reseller technology products
  • CMMC Readiness Review
  • Essential 8 Readiness Review


  • Administrative and Support Services
  • Data Processing Web Hosting and Electronic Information Storage Services
  • Employment Services
  • Information and Telecommunications
  • Internet Service Providers and Web Search Portals
  • Other Information and Telecommunication Services
  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Telecommunications Services

Other Capabilities

Cybersecurity Services, Consulting and Solutions
Vulnerability Management
Compliance Services
CMMC Readiness Review
Essential 8 Readiness Review

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