Sydac Pty Ltd

153 Wakefield Street
Adelaide SA 5000

+61 8 8239 3600


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Company Overview

Oktal Sydac are a forward-thinking innovative training simulator company who have delivered over 700 simulators to customers across the globe. We make up part of the SOGECLAIR group, which has a global presence in several markets including aeronautics, simulation and mission vehicles.

Through the strength of SOGECLAIR’s positioning, values and know-how, Oktal Sydac has attracted a talented workforce to partner alongside our customers for the long term. Our commitment to our clients ensures the delivery of a customized solution which meets their exact needs.

Oktal Sydac’s focus is directed on two main areas: Training simulators, which serve the current needs of the transport and defence industries, and advanced capabilities within the R&D field. We have an extensive portfolio of experience and a demonstrated interest in researching and developing the future requirements of transportation globally.

Products and Services

Operator Training Simulators
– Full cab replicas
– Replica operator consoles
– Desktop simulators

Synthetic Environment and Sensor Simulation
– Electro-optic and radio frequency sensor simulation
– camera, infrared sensors, radar, GNSS receivers, etc

Research and Development of Simulation Technologies
– motion systems
– vision systems
– passenger / occupant comfort assessments
– environmental research


ISO 9001 Certification


  • Architectural Engineering and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services

Other Capabilities

Training simulation equipment and software
Synthetic environment
Sensor simulation

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