Company Overview
Prism Defence is a technology company specialising in ship-air integration. We work with defence forces around the world to maximise their capability for launch and recovery of aircraft to ships in the most challenging weather conditions imaginable.
The wide range of ships, aircraft, operating environments and regulatory frameworks we have worked with has given us a unique perspective and breadth of knowledge that has informed the solutions that we design, engineer, and flight-test, to support the complete embarked aviation continuum.
Our goal has been to transition embarked aviation operations from the manual process heavy, procedurally complicated and data intensive legacy systems into capability-led, intelligent, digitised solutions that enhance situational awareness, inform decision making, reduce workload, and increase safety and performance. Our solutions are applicable for all aircraft and UAS whether onboard an Offshore Patrol Vessel or a complex aircraft carrier.
Products and Services
AirHub Embarked Aviation Management System
AirHub streamlines the management of embarked aviation supporting Command, Flying Control, Bridge, Operations, Deck & Hangar Management and Squadrons.
Supports mission rehearsal, 24/7 compliance, navigation considerations and approvals processes with recording of data.
AirHub delivers:
• Increased airworthiness assurance & safety
• Reduced workload on the bridge and in flying control positions
• Enhanced situational awareness, operational capability & tactical advantage
• Augmented training
Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) Development
Prism Defence has developed software products and Flight & Ship Test Instrumentation (FTI/STI) to support the conduct of SHOL trials for Navies that maximises capability with the minimum impact on fleet resource time.
Comprehensive flight test systems link both ship and air vehicle for SHOL testing. The bespoke integrated approach, and all software and procedures, are directly applicable to embarked UAS.
ISO 9001:2015
- Information and Telecommunications
- Manufacturing
- Other Information and Telecommunication Services
- Specialised Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
Other Capabilities
Software application development to support Embarked Aviation Operations